Saturday, 29 December 2007

Sunday before Christmas

Can you find Jesus in the mess of this world?

This was Stuart's visual illustration and challenge for some folks this Sunday.

Jesus came in the mess which once was pure as water in the jar in the beginning of this illustration. And then 'things' were added to the water. In the jar with all the mess there, was put 1 Lat coin which represented Jesus and some brave volunteers were asked to find it in one minute to have it as a prize for trying. Two tried and neither of them succeeded.

Wednesday, 19 December 2007

Wish i was there!

Hi, friends.

I know, it has been a long time since something appeared here. Well - this time question of the Blog: "Wish you were here?" applies also for me. I do wish i was there.

Some weeks i missed out because i was ill, then because Josh was ill, then because i was in other country (Russia again)

Although i still have some audio messages from couple Sundays in my computer to put on the blog i thought to share this Video clip which our youth put together. It is very joyful and inspiring.

Monday, 10 September 2007

Red moon rising (in Latvian - no translation)

Kāda grāmata par Dieva Lūgšanu. Dace dalās lasītajā.
Inspiring book about Prayer "Red moon rising". Dace is sharing some thoughts (no interpreting in English, sorry)

Changing in God

Marika about her struggles in past / Dievs maina...

Tithing / Desmitā daļa (tiesa)

Testimony about Tithing / Ivara liecība par došanu Dievam.

Saturday, 1 September 2007

Back from India / Indijas vakars ar Oļesju

Olesya went on a mission trip to India this summer for two weeks and this was a special night when she told all about it.

Oļesja uz divām nedēļām bija misijas ceļojumā uz Indiju un šis bija īpašs vakars, kad viņa dalījās savos iespaidos.

Olesya was the star of the evening dressed like Indian woman. She was bought these clothes in India and had to wear them all the time she was there (Ls1.50 - shall we all move to India?).

Tā Oļesja bija ģērbusies dzīvojot Indijā. Citās drēbēs tur nav pieņemts staigāt.

There were lots and lots of emotions involved as she told her story as you can see.

Viņas stāsts bija ļoti emocionāls: sākot ar to, ka viņa gandrīz netika līdz savam galamērķim, jo nebija aizpildījusi kādu anketu uz robežas pie iebraukšanas valstī, un tikpat emocionāls bija viņas stāsts par gandrīz letālo gadījums ar vienu puisi no viņas grupas, kuram iedzēla skorpions...

So here she is - smiling as usual, in good health and full of new experience with God and with even bigger heart to reach far corners of our World with the Message about the Love of the Father and the Son with His Spirit

Te nu viņa ir, ar ierasto prieku sejā. Dievs viņu ir sargājis un devis viņai piedzīvot Sevi citā pasaules nostūrī, pildot viņas sirdi ar vēl lielāku vēlmi kalpot citiem, nesot Labo Vēsti par Tēva un Dēla mīlestību uz cilvēkiem.

Tuesday, 21 August 2007

Sunday sermon by Jeff from O.A.C.

Sermon Part 2

God Provides - Part 2

Stuart about street evangelism

18. Augusts, Rīga

Pete's - Salvation Story

Once he was fighting on a streets creating problems, now he is still out in a streets, but as the one who calls people to come to God.

Reiz viņš bija bandas vadonis radot nekārtības un kaujoties ielās, tagad viņš ir atpakaļ ielās, bet kā tāds, kas aicina cilvēkus iegūt sirdsmieru Dievā.


Sunday, 12 August 2007

Sunday Sermon - Victory in Christ

Maintaining fellowship with Jesus/ Uzturot draudzību ar Kristu

Astrida - Church Like a Home


Stuart - God Provides

Testimony of answered prayer

Bjorn's encouragement for Riga 1

Bjorn has been to our Church couple times now and he is sharing his observation


Burlap Song