Tuesday, 21 August 2007

Sunday sermon by Jeff from O.A.C.

Sermon Part 2

God Provides - Part 2

Stuart about street evangelism

18. Augusts, Rīga

Pete's - Salvation Story

Once he was fighting on a streets creating problems, now he is still out in a streets, but as the one who calls people to come to God.

Reiz viņš bija bandas vadonis radot nekārtības un kaujoties ielās, tagad viņš ir atpakaļ ielās, bet kā tāds, kas aicina cilvēkus iegūt sirdsmieru Dievā.


Sunday, 12 August 2007

Sunday Sermon - Victory in Christ

Maintaining fellowship with Jesus/ Uzturot draudzību ar Kristu

Astrida - Church Like a Home


Stuart - God Provides

Testimony of answered prayer

Bjorn's encouragement for Riga 1

Bjorn has been to our Church couple times now and he is sharing his observation


Burlap Song