Sunday, 21 December 2008

December 21, 2008

4th Advent Service
December 21, 2008

Thursday, 27 November 2008

Remembered forever

23. Novembris, 2008. mūsu Kunga gads.

112. Psalms ir slavas dziesma Dievam - dziesma par to, ka cilvēks, kurš godina Dievu Viņā gūst prieku, mieru, drošību un mūžīgu piemiņu (par viņu atceras uz mūžīgiem laikiem). Angliski šie divi vārdi runā daudz skaļāk, tāpēc arī virsraksts ir angļu valodā.
Un šī Svētdiena bija šī Dieva Vārda (112. Psalma 6.panta) kārtējais piepildījums.
Tā kā mūsu draudzē Sāra jau ceturto svētdienu runā par Jozua, tad varētu domāt, ka tas ir viņa vārds, viņa piemiņa (viņš kas tiek 'atcerēts'). Viņš protams arī, bet šajā reizē tiek 'atcerēta' vesela tauta jeb pilsēta ar tās iedzīvotājiem.
Un stāsts ir par Gibeonu, par gibeoniešiem, kuru dzīve un pilsēta varēja būt izsvītrota no Pasaules vēstures Jozua laikā, bet tā vietā šī pilsēta un tās ļaudis tika Dieva svētīti cauri gadu simteņiem.

* * *

Psalm 112 is the song of praise - song about life and destiny of a righteous, God fearing man. Such person in his life will have joy, peace, security and will be remembered forever.
And this Sunday was fulfillment of Psalm 112:6.
You might think that it is Joshua as Sarah is preaching about him for few weeks already. Him as well of course, but this time it is remembered whole city and its inhabitants.
And the story is about Gibeon, about Gibeonites whose life could be erased from history and memory of people forever during the time of Joshua, but instead God blessed them and made their name to be remembered FOREVER.

"Turn your eyes upon Jesus"

PS. Svētrunas vietne
Lejuplādēšanai/ Link to downlaod sermon:

Friday, 21 November 2008

16. Novembris.

Svētdiena, 16. Novembris.

Šī Svētā diena bija zīmīga ar to, ka tā vien šķita, ka no malu malām kopā nāk ļaudis, it kā būtu kādi svētki. Kaut arī tas ir neliels pārspīlējums, taču zāle tiešām šķita krietni pilnāka kā pēdējā laikā bija ierasts. Ja precīzi, tad pēc bērnu došanās uz Svētdien's skolu zālē palika 45 pieaugušie. Pēdējās svētdienās šis skaitlis bija ap 30.
Šī bija trešā svētdiena, kad Sāra sludināja no Jozua grāmatas. Šoreiz tas bija daudziem zināmais stāsts par Jērikas ieņemšanu un viss kas ap to saistīts, ieskaitot arī cilvēku bieži uzdoto jautājumu par to, kāpēc Dievs Vecajā derībā ir tik nežēlīgs.

* * *

This was third Sunday when Sarah preached from book of Joshua. This time it was well known story of Israelites conquering Jericho. She also touched a difficult subject many times asked by people 'why God in Old Testament is such a violent?'

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

PA Lūgšanu konference.

Sestdiena, 25. Oktobris, 2008.
Lūgšanu konference Rīgā.
Aicinātais runātājs ir Samuēls, misionārs no Indijas.

1. daļa - Kāds ir mūsu Dievs?! Vai tu patiesi pazīsti savu Dievu?

2. daļa - Cilvēka grēcīgā sirds.

3. daļa - Laiks Dievam - Viņa tuvumā.

Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Easter Story

March 16, 2008

by Aivis

Summary of last week in Jesus' life. It was like a roller coaster ride in His life. This Sunday Sarah was painting picture of what happened to Jesus - in his emotions and in his spirit. It was amazing how much He knew - about people, about what will happen to him and others.

Story of a man in Australia

March 2, 2008

This is short addition to a Sunday sermon about our task to share the Good News of Life with God Jesus came to give us.
Story of a man in Australia who faithfully shared Good News with people for about 40 years without seeing any fruit out of it till one day he met a man who shared with him results of his faithful labor for his King.

Press Launch Jukebox to Listen

Family service in Pictures

March 9, 2008

Friday, 8 February 2008

Discipleship - your own roots.

Feb 3, 2008, by Sarah

I am still searching for better solution to broadcast (or in these days you say: Podcast) our Sunday sermons. Found this site: Sermon Cloud. Will see how it works. I think they are doing good job giving Churches oportunity to share their sermons free for one year.

By following the link to listen/ download sermon you will also find short summary of it.

Friday, 4 January 2008

New Years Party

I would like to call it even: "Messy, messier, messiest" due to the games we (well, some who were involved with) played.

I hope the Year though will not be that way. Oh, actually that mess was still in the old year and this year we started clean and with determination to stay that way.