PS. Īsi par Pētera ievadvārdiem: tie izrietēja no Aldonas liecības par viņas piedzīvojumu ar zagļiem, kas gribēja no viņas somas izzagt maku. Aldonai visu aizrautīgi stāstot un Dacei cenšoties to iztulkot, stāsts nonāca līdz tai vietai, kad Dieva Gars pamudināja Aldonu strauji pagriezties tai mirklī, kad meitenes (zagles) roka bija ieslīdējusi Aldonas somā. Tā nu Aldona to stāstot un vizuāli cenšoties parādīt, ar mikrofonu trāpija Dacei pa seju.. :)
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
5. Māceklība/ Discipleship
PS. Īsi par Pētera ievadvārdiem: tie izrietēja no Aldonas liecības par viņas piedzīvojumu ar zagļiem, kas gribēja no viņas somas izzagt maku. Aldonai visu aizrautīgi stāstot un Dacei cenšoties to iztulkot, stāsts nonāca līdz tai vietai, kad Dieva Gars pamudināja Aldonu strauji pagriezties tai mirklī, kad meitenes (zagles) roka bija ieslīdējusi Aldonas somā. Tā nu Aldona to stāstot un vizuāli cenšoties parādīt, ar mikrofonu trāpija Dacei pa seju.. :)
Monday, 5 October 2009
Iedvesmas Diena/ Inspiration Day
Tuesday, 22 September 2009
Monday, 14 September 2009
3. Lūgšana / Prayer
Ar septembri sākot svētdienas dievkalpojumos mēs domājam par to, kas mums kā draudzei ir svarīgs un kādi mēs vēlamies būt kā draudze.
Draudzes vadība ir izkristalizējusi 10 lietas (vērtības), kuras svētdienās svētrunas laikā tiek apskatītas.
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This school year in our Church started with going through our Church values, - what is important to us as a Church
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Četri cilvēku tipi / Four types of people
Svētruna par lūgšanu (Mateja 6: 9-13) / Sermon about prayer
Monday, 1 June 2009
Birth Day
It has been awhile since last blog entry, an update of our Church's blog. I want to apologize to those who has time and desire to read and listen to the entries "wishing you were there" with us.
There has been dozens of great stories, - testimonies, sermons to share with you to grow your faith and love for God, our Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Lots of those audio files are still in my computer 'waiting' to be sorted. But of course "fresh bread" is the best to receive.
And this is Happy Birthday! greetings to all of us, as we celebrating Birth of the Church of Christ with the coming of Holy Spirit on Earth, on all who believe in Jesus.
In the Testimonies you will hear about some old lady which was Saved on a day of her death and you will hear the voice of a man who would not be alive and talking if not the miracle of God and power of prayer.
And sermon is about work of the Holy Spirit whom God sent for His Church.
Tie, kas no jums laiku pa laikam ieskatās šajā Rīgas 1. korpusa blogā, būs ievērojuši, ka labu laiku atkal te ir bijis klusums. To starp ir bijis daudz labu un iedvesmojošu apliecinājumu Dieva darbiem kādu cilvēku dzīvēs un ikdienās, bet es jums dodu iespēju dzirdēt vissvaigākās atskaņas, - no Dzimšanas Dienas dievkalpojuma - Kristus Draudzes Dzimšanas dienas Svētdienas, ko svinam Vasarsvētkos ar Svētā Gara nākšanu, ko Tēvs sūtīja saviem bērniem.
Goran Larsson
Sarah - Work of the Holy Spirit / Svētā Gara darbs.
Spring outing in Sigulda
This was our Church's outing in Sigulda.
As i was walking and enjoying beautifully blooming trees and flowers i realized that i've never been in Sigulda in Spring.
Almost every Latvian considers his duty to go to Sigulda in Fall (Autumn), but, like me, misses the beauty of Spring there. It was beautiful and joyful day - great fun!
Monday, 16 February 2009
"God of the Living"
Mark 12:26, 27
Franciska Simpson - Sarah's grandmother
"It was in the spring of 1923 when I first came into personal contact with this organization. I found God as a result of this.
For a long time I had lived without any faith, I had not even thought about God and religion. All spirituality was like a fog to me and I didn’t think of finding solutions to spiritual seeking and longings in religion. I lived in the world, among unbelievers, I had the view, like those around me that spiritual things did not have anything to do with me and I didn’t have the desire to go into detail about the basics.
I lived in Jelgava with my parents and elder sister. Around that time my sister – with whom I was very close and who was more denying of God than I was, started to be interested in religion. She didn’t speak to me about it much, but I observed her and I also started to have a desire to go to some spiritual meeting some time. I had been a couple of times to a German youth group at the Blue Cross and everything that I had heard and seen had left a strange impression on me. I started to realize that there is another world from which comes a deep, silent peace and joy. This started to draw me, even though God and the Bible was still quite dark and difficult to understand.
About this time the Salvation Army started to have meetings in Jelgava. Whereas before I was indifferent, I was now thirsty for and indeed looking for every opportunity to hear God’s word. One evening in a big meeting when I heard again from the platform an invitation to give yourself to God, I couldn’t resist any longer – I let everything go – thoughts, doubts, fears and went forward – revealing openly my deep longings after God and his peace. It is impossible to express everything that I felt that evening, but from that time my soul started to have a different light. Everything changed and had a different appearance, like the curtain of eternity had opened in front of me and showed me everything in the light of eternity. I started to understand God’s word and it became alive to me.
I no longer “asked advice from flesh and blood” but went forward on a new way, that opened up before me, not knowing where it would end. A wonderful strength carried me as if on wings. After a few days I was already a recruit in the Salvation Army because I felt that I could not be quite about my amazing experience of God that was opening up before me. I also saw that everyone around me was also longing after it but didn’t know where to look or what it was. Then, after a while I heard an invitation to become a Candidate, to become an officer in The Salvation Army, without any thought or doubt I signed up and I am now a Lieutenant in The Salvation Army. I have one wish and that is to give everything to God and his work – all of myself, all time, all strength and all my life. I am happy, eternally happy and eternally grateful to God for this great happiness he has given me – to belong to Him, work for Him and help others. There is no greater joy and it is available to all.
Praise God!"
/“Kara Sauciens” No. 14. 1926 (“War Cry” in Latvian)