Monday, 1 June 2009

Birth Day

It has been awhile since last blog entry, an update of our Church's blog. I want to apologize to those who has time and desire to read and listen to the entries "wishing you were there" with us.
There has been dozens of great stories, - testimonies, sermons to share with you to grow your faith and love for God, our Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Lots of those audio files are still in my computer 'waiting' to be sorted. But of course "fresh bread" is the best to receive.
And this is Happy Birthday! greetings to all of us, as we celebrating Birth of the Church of Christ with the coming of Holy Spirit on Earth, on all who believe in Jesus.

In the Testimonies you will hear about some old lady which was Saved on a day of her death and you will hear the voice of a man who would not be alive and talking if not the miracle of God and power of prayer.
And sermon is about work of the Holy Spirit whom God sent for His Church.


Tie, kas no jums laiku pa laikam ieskatās šajā Rīgas 1. korpusa blogā, būs ievērojuši, ka labu laiku atkal te ir bijis klusums.
To starp ir bijis daudz labu un iedvesmojošu apliecinājumu Dieva darbiem kādu cilvēku dzīvēs un ikdienās, bet es jums dodu iespēju dzirdēt vissvaigākās atskaņas, - no Dzimšanas Dienas dievkalpojuma - Kristus Draudzes Dzimšanas dienas Svētdienas, ko svinam Vasarsvētkos ar Svētā Gara nākšanu, ko Tēvs sūtīja saviem bērniem.


Goran Larsson

Sarah - Work of the Holy Spirit / Svētā Gara darbs.

Spring outing in Sigulda

May 16th, 2009

This was our Church's outing in Sigulda.
As i was walking and enjoying beautifully blooming trees and flowers i realized that i've never been in Sigulda in Spring.
Almost every Latvian considers his duty to go to Sigulda in Fall (Autumn), but, like me, misses the beauty of Spring there. It was beautiful and joyful day - great fun!